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Due to the outbreak of pneumonia pandemic, some of our services had been affected. CAHK has established contingency measures, based on IAF ID 3:2011, for auditing and certification activities as follows:

  1. First Surveillance Visit

    If sufficient evidence has been collected to provide confidence that our certified client’s management system is effective, a 6 months extension may be granted, otherwise its certificate has to be suspended / withdrawal or the scope reduced.

  2. Subsequent Surveillance Visits

    Normally a maximum 6 months extension may be granted if justification provided by our certified client, which also required to promptly inform CAHK to conduct the audit once the situation permitted.

  3. Recertification Audit

    Providing that sufficient evidence has been collected to provide confidence that our certified client’s management system is effective, a 6 months extension may be granted. Otherwise a new initial audit should be performed.

For any question, please contact us at 25286108 or certasia@gmail.com